Hiring a copywriter is a great investment
When people ask me, ‘What do you do?’ I often just say ‘Marketing’. It’s generally accepted that marketing is promotion, and promotion is closely linked to sales. But increasingly, we know that it’s much more than that. In fact, as a marketer, your skill set should include a whole range of proficiencies including Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Web proficiency, Advertising know-how, Strategy, an analytical mind combined with a creative bent, in depth and up to date knowledge of the digital world and of course…..you are also a copywriter.
But what exactly is copywriting?
A copywriter can write all of the content for long form content, short form content, your website, social media posts, e-newsletters, marketing materials, advertising campaign copy, blog posts (evergreen, pillar posts or rich lists), multi page guides, straplines and so on.
Proficient copywriters will have a refined understanding of the rules of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which will include research of and inclusion of specific keywords, to help you generate better rankings in Google search results and drive customer leads. Without this knowledge, time spent writing carefully crafted blog posts….could be wasted.
Pulling it all together
The art of copywriting doesn’t just end with the words; copywriters will know how to engage your audience and build your email subscriber list. Experienced marketers will be able to synchronise all the elements of your marketing to maximise your potential, so that nothing is wasted – social media posts link to newsletters, which link back to blogs, which link back to shopping pages.
Tone of voice
Branding isn’t just the reserve of loud men in top floor offices. Copywriters are well practiced at researching their clients, the audience they are trying to reach, finding or matching a tone of voice and being consistent using it. Our job is to understand your product or service and business ambitions. Trust is a large part of the process – client and copywriter trust, but also building the trust of the customer. Delivering relevant and informative messaging, or simply light hearted news. Oh and they will know all about customer psychology and have a creativity with words.
In fact, all copywriters LOVE words. They wouldn’t work with words unless they did. I know I do. Crafting a catchy phrase or translating complicated language into clear messaging is a great day at the office for me. I work with many arts related clients which is completely my area of interest, so it’s a priviledge to try and deliver that message or product. Working hard for my clients is important, getting results is the bottom line.
Why outsource copywriting? Surely I can do it myself.
Copywriting is my specialist subject. I’m focusing on it all week long, I follow the latest digital developments, I know what works and what doesn’t. I can often execute a campaign quickly and responsively. By outsourcing your marketing or copywriting, it means you can get on with the business or running a business, without getting bogged down in the time consuming process of blogging or writing.
Marketing Strategy
It’s worth considering that not only will all your copywriting be taken care of, but you can pull together a strategy – a key ingredient to success. Without a plan, goals, efficient use of time and energy and then analysing the process your business will be adrift.
Marketing metrics
I always suggest a monthly report, followed by a mid year overview. Increasingly I am finding the importance of my role as a freelancer, working alongside businesses, is that I am there to drive campaigns foward. Without my input there is no forward momentum and projects stall.
Digital Marketing & Copywriting Services
Get in touch if you’d like to start a conversation about outsourcing your copywriting or digital marketing. You can’t do it all yourself. As a CIM qualified marketer with over ten years experience, you will be in good hands.